PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT: Children’s Services – *Violet’s Story


*Violet’s journey to our domestic violence emergency shelter was one marked by courage and passion. Fleeing the clutches of her abuser, she arrived with wounds both physical and emotional. Among the scars of abuse lay the shattered remnants of her dreams, particularly her aspirations of becoming a nurse. Trapped in a web of financial abuse, she was denied the chance to work, her ambition stifled by the cruelty of her abuser.

With the guidance of our Economic and Justice Housing Coordinator, Violet began to rebuild her shattered confidence. Together, they crafted a new resume, laid the groundwork for her enrollment in nursing school, and orchestrated her entry into the workforce. But with three young children to care for, the challenge of balancing her ambitions with parenting responsibilities seemed insurmountable.

Enter our shelter’s free on-site childcare facility, a beacon of safety and support for Violet. With this vital resource at her disposal, she could attend nursing school classes and pursue job opportunities without fear or hindrance. Every interview, every tedious task, every moment spent away from her children was made possible by the safety, security, and services provided by our childcare program.

Each step forward, from attending nursing classes to navigating job interviews, was made possible by the security and peace of mind provided by our childcare services. As Violet moves from survivor to thriver, she exemplifies the profound influence of hope and resilient fortitude.

At Harbor House, we’re dedicated to shattering the barriers that keep survivors trapped in abusive situations. We understand the significant impact of financial obstacles, including the challenge of accessing childcare for work, education, and other needs. By offering free on-site childcare services, we provide crucial support to survivors as they break free from these constraints and the cycle of abuse.

Please consider contributing a monetary donation to aid our childcare services. With just $500, you can cover the cost of childcare for one survivor throughout their entire stay in our emergency shelter. Your support makes a tangible difference in providing essential care and support to those in need.

*Name changed to protect identity.