Reclaim Your Life After Abuse: Career Guidance

As a survivor of domestic abuse, you have made the difficult and conscious choice to move away from the abusive relationship and regain control of your life. What a huge step towards a new and exciting future. Accompanying that decision was, no doubt, a lot of anxiety about what your future holds and how you will be able to manage financial responsibility for yourself and your children (if you have them). If you have sought the safe haven of an abused women’s shelter, you will be offered assistance with career guidance, employment opportunities, housing, and other important aspects of moving forward.
Personal stories shared by successful survivors seem to have several common threads. Survivors have come to the realization that their lives have value, and they are in control of their destiny. Survivors know they have a right to be happy and that their experience as a survivor of abuse does not define him or her future actions. They are also keenly aware that they were not the cause for the abuser to abuse, and that they were not responsible for the violence being perpetrated against them. They also know that they must overcome any shame they hold for being involved in an abusive situation. Most importantly, they have learned what healthy relationships should be and that respect, dignity, and love must be mutually expressed for a relationship to flourish. That includes relationships in your personal and professional life.
If it’s been a while since you were employed, if your job history is spotty due to the circumstances of your abusive relationship, or if you were a busy stay-at-home mom taking care of your children, career counselors will assist you in assessing your skills and exploring your interests. Maximizing your strengths, they will also offer employment assistance that will help you find your way to gainful employment. You may have to find a paying job with benefits right away to start providing for your family. However, if you are considering furthering your education to advance your career and build financial stability, there are many scholarships and grants available for survivors of domestic abuse. Set realistic goals for yourself with reasonable time periods to achieve them.
You have a lot to contribute to the community, and you will be successful. Embarking on the path to being responsible for your own financial security is an amazing feeling. As trusted abused women’s shelter, Harbor House works to prevent and eliminate domestic abuse in Central Florida by providing critical life-saving services to survivors including career guidance and assistance with employment opportunities focused on helping you be the best you can be!